Welcome To MedPreps Practice Tests

You have purchased a subscription for practice tests for your upcoming certification exam. Your account is being created and your login information is being sent to the email you provided when signing up. If you do not see it in your inbox, please check to make sure it did not accidentally end up in your spam box.

After logging in you should directed to the members home page portal where you can access the following:

  • Access your practice tests through My Account
  • Update your information through My Profile
  • Download your invoices and receipts Payment History

In your account you will see the products you are signed up for with links to the Test Portals and Practice Tests. These links will bring you to a page with ‘Full Length Test’ and ‘Focus Quizzes’ buttons which when clicked will launch our practice test platform in a new window. (Note: This window may be hidden behind other internet browsing windows you have open. Your Pop-Up Blocker may be blocking it as well.)

Remember to review all of your questions and answers before closing the window.

Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns by contacting us at support@medpreps.com

Customer Service Team